Thomas Hilker
Early Career
Scientist Award
Every two years, ForestSAT awards a young scientist with the Thomas Hilker Early Career Scientist Award in honor of our dear friend and colleague who died unexpectedly at the age of 40 in 2016. Thomas was a well-loved colleague of many remote sensing researchers world-wide. He built a network of collaborators in Canada, the US, Brazil, Europe, and Australia. Thomas approached environmental questions and challenges with vigor and had an enormous curiosity and passion for science. Undertaking research, Thomas was respectful of others’ opinions, eager to share ideas and approaches, and recognized science was a collaborative endeavor. In his prematurely shortened career he was prolific, with many papers covering a wide range of research topics mirroring his broad interests in Earth Observation of terrestrial ecosystems.
By creating this award, the ForestSAT community aims to recognize early career scientists undertaking challenging research and starting to publish groundbreaking science. We recognize innovative individuals who we believe will become global leaders in the field. More importantly, these individuals engage in science collaboratively, with humility and kindness, which boosts spirits and fosters inclusivity and engagement from scientists within their field, as Thomas did.
Congratulations to our 2024 winner, Dr. Morgan Crowley!
Dr. Crowley is a Forest Fire Research Scientist with the Great Lakes Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service. She leads research and development of active fire behaviour algorithms an data products. Morgan leads research and development of active fire behavior algorithms and data products and is the Tier 2 Science Applications Lead of the proposed WildFireSat Mission.
Through her research and outreach, Morgan strives to make Earth observation (EO) science more inclusive and accessible. She is the co-editor of an open-access Google Earth Engine textbook, Director and Founding Member of the Ladies of Landsat organization, and Expert advisor on the 2024 Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit by the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs.
Professor Nicholas Coops of University of British Columbia announced her selection at ForestSAT 2024. Nicholas said Thomas' short career impacted many people and he encouraged and passionately believed in collaboration. He said Morgan carried the ideas Thomas had forward. Her approach to collaboration is to leave no one behind.
2024 Thomas Hilker Award Committee
Nicholas Coops, Chair
Kim Calders
Maureen Duane
Laura Duncanson
Yhasmin Mendes
Jackie Rosette
Carlos Silva
Michael Watt
Past Awardees
2022 Joint Awardees
Dr. Carlos Alberto Silva
University of Florida, USA
2018 Awardee
Paul Mannix Montesano
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA
Dr. Kim Calders
Ghent University, Belgium