2005 Conference
2005 Conference
Name: FORESTSAT 2005: Operational Tools in Forestry Using Remote Sensing Techniques
Dates: 31 May–3 June 2005
Location: Borås, Sweden.
Host: Swedish Forest Agency
Organizing lead: Håkan Olsson
Attendees (approximate): 100
About: Conference to show examples of operational tools developed from remote sensing techniques.
The conference brought together developers and users of these technologies into a common forum where both could be informed about the development and application of those tools regarded as operational. The conference also provided an opportunity for users to provide feedback about their requirements in future tool's developments.
The event took place close to Jönköping where the world's largest forestry fair, Elmia Wood, was taking place the same week.
ForestSAT Special Issue(s):
ForestSAT 2005 Special Issue in Remote sensing of Environment: "Operational tools in forestry using remote sensing techniques", Edited by Ronald E. McRoberts, Daniel N.M. Donoghue, Håkan Olsson, Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 110, Issue 4, 30 October 2007 Pages 411-544
Proceedings: ForestSAT 2005 Proceedings Part 1, Part 2, Part 3