2016 Conference
2016 Conference
Dates: 15-18th November 2016
Location: Santiago, Chile
Venue: Universidad Mayor, Campus Huechuraba
Host: Faculty of Forestry, Universidad Mayor
Organizing lead: Dr. Claudio Muñoz, OTERRA, Universidad Mayor
Attendees (approximate): 246
About: The organization of the 7th international ForestSAT conference happened outside the traditional venues in Europe or North America. Chile, one of the countries with important forest resources, some of them unique and well protected in a long list of National Parks and Reserves of the Biosphere, was the venue for the conference in 2016. With a population of just 18 million, the 796,000 km2 has 23% forested, where 19% are native forests supporting high endemism of flora and fauna. This conference also happened at the time the Chilean parliament approved their National Strategy for Climate Change and Vegetation Resources for 2017-2025. This is an important step forward in the rationalization and protection of the unique and sensitive environmental resources of this country. The strategy, coordinated by the Chilean Forest Service, CONAF, contemplates the use of Earth Observation and others sources of spatial information as fundamental tools for the implementation and management of policies.
Thematic Areas: Forest Monitoring; REDD+/FLEGT; Latin American Forests; Forest Inventory and Mapping; Forestry and Forest Management; Methods Development; Forest modelling
URL: https://forestsat.blogspot.com/
Program: Download the ForestSAT 2016 conference program
Keynote speakers:
Dr. Warren Cohen, US Forest Service
Professor Pang Yong, Chinese Academy of Forestry,
Dr. María Pilar Martin, Spanish National Research Council
Courses offered at ForestSAT 2016:
Forest canopy height mapping with radar interferometry; Instructors: Drs. Naiara Pinto, Marc Simard, and Michael Denbina.
LiDAR; Instructor: Dr. Martin Isenburg.
Design of forest inventories based on remote sensing data; Instructor: Dr. Günther Bronner, Umweltdata Austria.
Prices: Early registration (<31 July): US$ 450; Early student registration: US$ 200; Late registration: US$ 550; Late student registration: US$ 350; One day early registration: US$ 250; One day late registration: US$ 300