2024 Conference
Conference name: ForestSAT 2024
Dates: September 9–13th, 2024
Location: Rotorua, New Zealand
Venue: Rotorua Energy Event Centre
Host:: Scion
Organizing lead: Michael Watt, Principal Scientist, Remote Sensing and GIS, Scion
Attendees (approximate): 326 in-person participants from 41 different countries
About:: The 2024 ForestSAT in Rotorua was the 10th in the series of ForestSAT conferences. Three pre-conference workshops were organized by Eagle Technology, Google Earth Engine, and the FAO. The conference had total of 44 general and special sessions, representing 220 presentations and 37 posters covering topics ranging from groundbreaking missions to emerging areas related to application of remote sensing and spatial analysis technologies to forests (detailed programme below). The last day of the conference included a field tour sponsored byTimberlands, who hosted a full-day program in Rotorua. The schedule included a visit to the scenic Whakarewarewa redwood forest, where Interpine demonstrated use of the hovermap terrestrial laser scanning system, which is being widely used in New Zealand for forest inventory purposes. Participants also travelled to an operational forest setting within one of the largest plantation forests in the world and discussed with forest managers how remote sensing is being used for management of this extensive forest.
Thematic Areas : No specific thematic areas were identified for the conference.
Special sessions: In total, 24 special sessions were organized (see detailed programme below).
Keynote speakers:
Crystal Schaaf (Professor Emiritus, School for the Environment, University of Massachusetts, Boston)
Global forest monitoring with continuity MODIS and VIIRS BRDF, albedo, and NBAR products
Pablo J. Zarco-Tejada (Professor, Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences and the Melbourne School of Engineering, University of Melbourne)
Hyperspectral and thermal imaging for forest health monitoring: 25 years of progress
Proceedings/ForestSAT Special Issue(s): There was no special issue for the conference.
Prices: Early bird regular registration: 1145 NZD; Early bird student registration: 755 NZD ; Regular registration: 1255 NZD; Student registration: 865 NZD