2022 Conference
Conference name: ForestSAT 2022
Dates: 29th August 2022 - 3rd September 2022
Location: Freie Universität (FU) Berlin, Germany
Venue: Building complex “Rost- and Silberlaube”, Freie Universität (FU) Berlin, Germany
Host: Freie Universität (FU) Berlin, Germany and Technical University (TU) Berlin, Germany
Organizing lead: Fabian Fassnacht, FU Berlin, Germany and Michael Förster, Technical University (TU) Berlin, Germany
Attendees (approximate): 463 participants (in-person and online) from 49 countries
About: First in-person community meeting after a very long face-in-a-box time. The initial venue in Krakow (Poland) had to be cancelled due to the pandemic and the difficult geo-political situation.
Thematic Areas : The whole range of remote sensing in forestry.
Special sessions: In total, 17 special sessions with focused discussion on new topics or innovative applications of established approaches.
Keynote speakers:
Nicholas Coops (University of British Columbia, Canada)
Towards near real time forest inventory using satellite and laser scanning data
Laura Duncanson (University of Maryland, USA)
Global forest biomass budgets from GEDI and ICESat-2 – How can satellite data inform forest conservation and policy
Kate Fickas (Ladies of Landsat)
Community over Competition
Proceedings/ForestSAT Special Issue(s): none
Agenda/Program: ForestSAT2022 Program
Prices: Early bird regular registration: 495 EUR; Early bird student registration: 295 EUR; Regular registration: 550 EUR; Student registration: 350 EUR