2007 Conference

2007 Conference

Name:  FORESTSAT 2007: Forests and Remote Sensing: Methods and Operational Tools

Dates: 5-7 November 2007

Location: Montpellier, France

Venue: Montpellier SupAgro

Host: École Nationale du Génie Rural des Eaux et des Forêts (ENGREF)

Organizing lead: Michel Deshayes

Attendees (approximate): 120

About: ForestSat’07 aimed at bringing together remote sensing and geographic information specialists with foresters and other forest stakeholders to foster exchanges towards an operational and fruitful use of remote sensing techniques and products for forest applications.

Forests are a vital component of our environment, at all levels, from local to global. They play a quadruple role, production, protection, conservation and a social one. Since the early 90’s, they are subject to a renewed interest, due to wide societal concerns regarding biodiversity and greenhouse effect that have resulted in multilateral agreements such as the Convention on biological diversity or the Kyoto protocol. Consequently the needs are growing for an improved knowledge of the world forests.

In that context, remote sensing techniques have already shown that they can play a significant role in the inventory and characterization of forests and for the knowledge of their functioning. The recent years have seen the launch of new generations of satellites, with more being expected in the years to come, and now a large range of data is available, with spatial resolutions from a few kilometres to a few decimetres and acquisition periodicity up to several times a day.

Thematic Areas :

1. Development of remote sensing methods : mapping, assessment of biophysical parameters, change detection using existing satellites, lidar, radar, VHR imagery…

 2. Applications of remote sensing to resources assessment and indicators of sustainable management; forest functioning and carbon cycle; monitoring of the impacts of global change; landscape ecology; biodiversity

Prices: Early bird: Regular participants 290€; Full time students 150€; Accompanying persons 65€              

Regular:  Regular participants 340€; students 200€; Accompanying persons 65

Proceedings/ForestSAT Special Issue(s):

Ronald E. McRoberts, Daniel N. M. Donoghue & Michel Deshayes (2009) Preface: 2007 ForestSAT, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30:19, 4911-4914, DOI: 10.1080/01431160903023058


URL: no longer active

Agenda/Program: ForestSAT 2007 Program